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Second half in a sentence

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Sentence count:294+9Posted:2018-09-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: secondhandsecond handsecond-handsecond-hand storesecondsecondlysecondarypicosecondMeaning: n. the second of two halves of play. 
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151. Analysts predict £5.8m taxable profits for the year, with the second half traditionally stronger.
152. Pioneer and Sony also expect to ship players in the second half of the year.
153. The outlook in the second half is still troubled by silk prices.
154. Any hopes of a comeback by the Raiders were snuffed at the start of the second half.
155. The second half of the nineteenth century witnessed a repetition of this process.
156. In the second half, Joey Beauchamp came flying in like the daring young man on the trapeze.
157. Matthias Sammer netted both goals in the second half to keep Dortmund in third place.
158. In the second half the school choir performed Vivaldi's Gloria.
159. In the first minute of the second half Celtic fashioned a stunning goal.
160. Facing up the slope and against the wind in the second half, Chelmsford had no chance of making up the deficit.
161. The second half opened with a lengthy spell of defending against the wind by Alton, before they gradually regained the initiative.
162. In the second half, the Cherry and Whites rolled their sleeves up and got stuck in.
163. They did not score a single point in the second half and could have conceded even more tries in the closing quarter.
164. Villa had their tails up in the second half and Atkinson and Staunton both had chances to increase their lead.
165. She was a pioneer in the development of working-class housing in the second half of the nineteenth century.
166. Between 1900 and 1910, more people migrated to the United States than in the entire second half of the nineteenth century.
167. While the deals continued, there was a palpably different mood about the show from the second half of the week onwards.
168. The second half of the chapter introduces electron diffraction with a focus on transmission electrons.
169. Consumer prices rose 2. 15 percent in the second half of December from the previous two weeks.
170. Braintree started to control the midfield in the second half and only the final touch in the circle let them down.
171. They came back from a surprise David Currie opener to level in the second half through Steve Walsh.
172. Their second half starts on Sunday against the Carolina Panthers, and there are two big questions hovering above the visitors.
173. He may well have had first-hand knowledge that the second half of that statement was true.
174. Muir's nimble footwork merited a second Rovers goal at the start of the second half but Heald's save prevented it.
175. The second half of the nineteenth century was a time of religious revival and controversy, especially in the Low Country.
176. Free safety Merton Hanks will look for more big plays in the second half of the season.
177. However[], in the second half David Beckham became increasingly influential.
178. The first half of our lives is ruined by our parents, and the second half by our children. Clarence Darrow 
179. The novel is about a third too long, and the second half could decently have been pruned back.
180. And don't think that by developing the second half of your brain you will merely be doubling your mental capacity.
More similar words: secondhandsecond handsecond-handsecond-hand storesecondsecondlysecondarypicosecondsplit-secondsecond windsecond selfsplit secondsecond to nonesecond bestsecond basesecond matesecond gearsecondmentnanosecondsecond-ratesecond-bestsecond-classfemtosecondsecondarilysecond comingsecond-guesssecond classmicrosecondbits per secondmillisecond
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